Ⅷ.Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (H60-H95)
H60-H62.Diseases of external ear
H60.Otitis externa
H60.0.Abscess of external ear
H60.1.Cellulitis of external ear
H60.2.Malignant otitis externa
H60.3.Other infective otitis externa
H60.4.Cholesteatoma of external ear
H60.5.Acute otitis externa, non-infective
H60.8.Other otitis externa
H60.9.Otitis externa, unspecified
H61.Other disorders of external ear
H61.0.Perichondritis of external ear
H61.1.Non-infective disorders of pinna
H61.2.Impacted cerumen
H61.3.Acquired stenosis of external ear canal
H61.8.Other specified disorders of external ear
H61.9.Disorder of external ear, unspecified
H62.Disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
H62.0.Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
H62.1.Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere
H62.2.Otitis externa in mycoses
H62.3.Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
H62.4.Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere
H62.8.Other disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
H65-H75.Diseases of middle ear and mastoid
H65.Nonsuppurative otitis media
H65.0.Acute serous otitis media
H65.1.Other acute nonsuppurative otitis media
H65.2.Chronic serous otitis media
H65.3.Chronic mucoid otitis media
H65.4.Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media
H65.9.Nonsuppurative otitis media, unspecified
H66.Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
H66.0.Acute suppurative otitis media
H66.1.Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media
H66.2.Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media
H66.3.Other chronic suppurative otitis media
H66.4.Suppurative otitis media, unspecified
H66.9.Otitis media, unspecified
H67.Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere
H67.0.Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
H67.1.Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere
H67.8.Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere
H68.Eustachian salpingitis and obstruction
H68.0.Eustachian salpingitis
H68.1.Obstruction of Eustachian tube
H69.Other disorders of Eustachian tube
H69.0.Patulous Eustachian tube
H69.8.Other specified disorders of Eustachian tube
H69.9.Eustachian tube disorder, unspecified
H70.Mastoiditis and related conditions
H70.0.Acute mastoiditis
H70.1.Chronic mastoiditis
H70.8.Other mastoiditis and related conditions
H70.9.Mastoiditis, unspecified
H71.Cholesteatoma of middle ear
H72.Perforation of tympanic membrane
H72.0.Central perforation of tympanic membrane
H72.1.Attic perforation of tympanic membrane
H72.2.Other marginal perforations of tympanic membrane
H72.8.Other perforations of tympanic membrane
H72.9.Perforation of tympanic membrane, unspecified
H73.Other disorders of tympanic membrane
H73.0.Acute myringitis
H73.1.Chronic myringitis
H73.8.Other specified disorders of tympanic membrane
H73.9.Disorder of tympanic membrane, unspecified
H74.Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid
H74.1.Adhesive middle ear disease
H74.2.Discontinuity and dislocation of ear ossicles
H74.3.Other acquired abnormalities of ear ossicles
H74.4.Polyp of middle ear
H74.8.Other specified disorders of middle ear and mastoid
H74.9.Disorder of middle ear and mastoid, unspecified
H75.Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid in diseases classified elsewhere
H75.0.Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
H75.8.Other specified disorders of middle ear and mastoid in diseases classified elsewhere
H80-H83.Diseases of inner ear
H80.0.Otosclerosis involving oval window, nonobliterative
H80.1.Otosclerosis involving oval window, obliterative
H80.2.Cochlear otosclerosis
H80.8.Other otosclerosis
H80.9.Otosclerosis, unspecified
H81.Disorders of vestibular function
H81.0.M?ni?re's disease
H81.1.Benign paroxysmal vertigo
H81.2.Vestibular neuronitis
H81.3.Other peripheral vertigo
H81.4.Vertigo of central origin
H81.8.Other disorders of vestibular function
H81.9.Disorder of vestibular function, unspecified
H82.Vertiginous syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere
H83.Other diseases of inner ear
H83.1.Labyrinthine fistula
H83.2.Labyrinthine dysfunction
H83.3.Noise effects on inner ear
H83.8.Other specified diseases of inner ear
H83.9.Disease of inner ear, unspecified
H90-H95.Other disorders of ear
H90.Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
H90.0.Conductive hearing loss, bilateral
H90.1.Conductive hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.2.Conductive hearing loss, unspecified
H90.3.Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
H90.4.Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.5.Sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified
H90.6.Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
H90.7.Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.8.Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified
H91.Other hearing loss
H91.0.Ototoxic hearing loss
H91.2.Sudden idiopathic hearing loss
H91.3.Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified
H91.8.Other specified hearing loss
H91.9.Hearing loss, unspecified
H92.Otalgia and effusion of ear
H93.Other disorders of ear, not elsewhere classified
H93.0.Degenerative and vascular disorders of ear
H93.2.Other abnormal auditory perceptions
H93.3.Disorders of acoustic nerve
H93.8.Other specified disorders of ear
H93.9.Disorder of ear, unspecified
H94.Other disorders of ear in diseases classified elsewhere
H94.0.Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
H94.8.Other specified disorders of ear in diseases classified elsewhere
H95.Postprocedural disorders of ear and mastoid process, not elsewhere classified
H95.0.Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoidectomy cavity
H95.1.Other disorders following mastoidectomy
H95.8.Other postprocedural disorders of ear and mastoid process
H95.9.Postprocedural disorder of ear and mastoid process, unspecified