

리치라이프 연구소 2024. 9. 7. 22:29


b1.Mental Functions
b110.Consciousness functions
b1100.State of consciousness
b1101.Continuity of consciousness
b1102.Quality of consciousness
b1108.Consciousness functions, other specified
b1109.Consciousness functions, unspecified
b114.Orientation functions
b1140.Orientation to time
b1141.Orientation to place
b1142.Orientation to person
b1148.Orientation functions, other specified
b1149.Orientation functions, unspecified
b117.Intellectual functions
b122.Global psychosocial functions
b126.Temperament and personality functions
b1263.Psychic stability
b1264.Openness to experience
b1268.Temperament and personality functions, other specified
b1269.Temperament and personality functions, unspecified




b130.Energy and drive functions
b1300.Energy level
b1304.Impulse control
b1308.Energy and drive functions, other specified
b1309.Energy and drive functions, unspecified
b134.Sleep functions
b1340.Amount of sleep
b1341.Onset of sleep
b1342.Maintenance of sleep
b1343.Quality of sleep
b1344.Functions involving the sleep cycle
b1348.Sleep functions, other specified
b1349.Sleep functions, unspecified
b139.Global Mental Functions, other specified and unspecified



b140.Attention functions
b1400.Sustaining attention
b1401.Shifting attention
b1402.Dividing attention
b1403.Sharing attention
b1408.Attention functions, other specified
b1409.Attention functions, unspecified
b144.Memory functions
b1440.Short-term memory
b1441.Long-term memory
b1442.Retrieval of memory
b1448.Memory functions, other specified
b1449.Memory functions, unspecified
b147.Psychomotor functions
b1470.Psychomotor control
b1471.Quality of psychomotor functions
b1478.Psychomotor functions, other specified
b1479.Psychomotor functions, unspecified



b152.Emotional functions
b1520.Appropriateness of emotion
b1521.Regulation of emotion
b1522.Range of emotion
b1528.Emotional function, other specified
b1529.Emotional function, unspecified
b156.Perceptual functions
b1560.Auditory perception
b1561.Visual perception
b1562.Olfactory perception
b1563.Gustatory perception
b1564.Tactile perception
b1565.Visuospatial perception
b1568.Perceptual functions, other specified
b1569.Perceptual functions, unspecified
b160.Thought functions
b1600.Pace of thought
b1601.Form of thought
b1602.Content of thought
b1603.Control of thought
b1608.Thought functions, other specified
b1609.Thought functions, unspecified



b164.Higher-level cognitive functions
b1641.Organization and planning
b1642.Time management
b1643.Cognitive flexibility
b1648.Higher-level cognitive functions, other specified
b1649.Higher-level cognitive functions, unspecified
b167.Mental functions of language
b1670.Reception of language
b1671.Expression of language
b1672.Integrative language functions
b1678.Mental functions of language, other specified
b1679.Mental functions of language, unspecified
b172.Calculation functions
b1720.Simple calculation
b1721.Complex calculation
b1728.Calculation functions, other specified
b1729.Calculation functions, unspecified
b176.Mental function of sequencing complex movements



b180.Experience of self and time functions
b1800.Experience of self
b1801.Body image
b1802.Experience of time
b1808.Experience of self and time functions, other specified
b1809.Experience of self and time functions, unspecified
b189.Specific mental functions, other specified and unspecified
b198.Mental functions, other specified
b199.Mental functions, unspecified
b2.Sensory functions and pain
b210.Seeing functions
b2100.Visual acuity functions
b2101.Visual field function
b2102.Quality of vision
b2108.Seeing functions, other specified
b2109.Seeing functions, unspecified
b215.Functions of structures adjoining the eye
b2150.Functions of internal muscles of the eye
b2151.Functions of the eyelid
b2152.Function of external muscles of the eye
b2153.Functions of lachrymal glands
b2158.Functions of structures adjoining the eye, other specified
b2159.Functions of structures adjoining the eye, unspecified
b220.Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures
b229.Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified



b230.Hearing functions
b2300.Sound detection
b2301.Sound discrimination
b2302.Localisation of sound source
b2303.Lateralization of sound
b2304.Speech discrimination
b2308.Hearing functions, other specified
b2309.Hearing functions, unspecified
b235.Vestibular functions
b2350.Vestibular function of position
b2351.Vestibular function of balance
b2352.Vestibular function of determination of movement
b2358.Vestibular functions, other specified
b2359.Vestibular functions,unspecified
b240.Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function
b2400.Ringing in ears or tinnitus
b2402.Sensation of falling
b2403.Nausea associated with dizziness or vertigo
b2404.Irritation in the ear
b2405.Aural pressure
b2408.Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function, other specified
b2409.Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function, unspecified
b249.Hearing and restibular functions other specified and unspecified



b250.Taste function
b255.Smell function
b260.Proprioceptive function
b265.Touch function
b270.Sensory functions related to temperature and other stimuli
b2700.Sensitivity to temperature
b2701.Sensitivity to vibration
b2702.Sensitivity to pressure
b2703.Sensitivity to a noxious stimulus
b2708.Sensory functions related to temperature and other stimuli, other specified
b2709.Sensory functions related to temperature and other stimuli, unspecified
b279.Additional sensory functions, other specified and unspecified
b280.Sensation of pain
b2800.generalized pain
b2801.Pain in body part
b2802.Pain in multiple body parts
b2803.Radiating pain in a dermatome
b2804.Radiating pain in a segment or region
b289.Sensation of pain, other specified and unspecified
b298.Sendory functions and pain, other specified
b299.Sendory functions and pain, unspecified





b3.Voice and speech functions
b310.Voice functions
b3100.Production of voice
b3101.Quality of voice
b3108.Voice functions, other specified
b3109.Voice functions, unspecified
b320.Articulation functions
b330.Fluency and rhythm of speech functions
b3300.Fluency of speech
b3301.Rhythm of speech
b3302.Speed of speech
b3303.Melody of speech
b3308.Fluency and rhythm of speech functions, other specified
b3309.Fluency and rhythm of speech functions, unspecified
b340.Alternative vocalization functions
b3400.Productin of notes
b3401.Making a range of sounds
b3408.Alternative vocalization functions, other specified
b3409.Alternative vocalization functions, unspecified
b398.Voice and speech functions, other specified
b399.Voice and speech functions, unspecified



b4.functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems
b410.Heart functions
b4100.Heart rate
b4101.Heart rhythm
b4102.Contraction force of ventricular muscles
b4103.Blood supply to the heart
b4108.Heart functions, other specified
b4109.Heart functions, unspecified
b415.Blood vessel functions
b4150.functions of arteries
b4151.Functions of capillaries
b4152.Functions of veins
b4158.Blood vessel functions, other specified
b4159.Blood vessel functions, unspecified
b420.Blood pressure functions
b4200.Increased blood pressure
b4201.Decreased blood pressure
b4202.Maintenance of blood pressure
b4208.Blood pressure functions, other specified
b4209.Blood pressure functions, unspecified
b429.Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified



b430.Haematological system functions
b4300.Production of blood
b4301.Oxygen-carrying functions of the blood
b4302.Metabolite-carrying functions of the blood
b4303.Clotting functions
b4308.Haematological system functions, other specified
b4309.Haematological system functions, unspecified
b435.Immunological system functions
b4350.Immune response
b43500.Specific immune response
b43501.Non-specific immune response
b43508.Immunological system functions, other specified
b43509.Immunological system functions, unspecified
b4351.Hypersensitivity reactions
b4352.Functions of lymphatic vessels
b4353.Functions of lymph nodes
b4358.Immunological system functions, other specified
b4359.Immunological system functions, unspecified
b439.Functions of the haematological and immunological system, other specified and unspecified
b440.Respiration functions
b4400.Respiratory rate
b4401.Respiratory rhythm
b4402.Depth of respiration
b4408.Respiration functions, other specified
b4409.Respiration functions, unspecified
b445.Respiratory muscle functions
b4450.Functions of thoracic respiratory muscles
b4451.Functions of the diaphragm
b4452.Functions of accessory respiratory muscles
b4458.Respiratory muscle functions, other specified
b4459.Respiratory muscle functions, unspecified
b449.Functions of the resperatory system, other specified and unspecified



b450.Additional respiratory functions
b455.Exercise tolerance functions
b4550.General physical endurance
b4551.Aerobic capacity
b4558.Exercise tolerance functions, other specified
b4559.Exercise tolerance functions, unspecified
b460.Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions
b469.Additional functions and sensations of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, other specified and unspecified
b498.Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory system, other specified
b499.Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory system, unspecified
b5.Fuctions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems
b510.Ingestion functions
b5103.Manipulation of food in the mouth



b5106.Regurgitation and vomiting
b5108.Ingestion functions, other specified
b5109.Ingestion functions, unspecified
b515.Digestive functions
b5150.Transport of food through stomach and intestines
b5151.Breakdown of food
b5152.Absorption of nutrients
b5153.Tolerance to food
b5158.Digestive functions, other specified
b5159.Digestive functions, unspecified
b520.Assimilation functions
b525.Defecation functions
b5250.Elimination of faeces
b5251.Faecal consistency
b5252.Frequency of defecation
b5253.Faecal continence
b5258.Defecation functions, other specified
b5259.Defecation functions, unspecified
b530.Weight maintenance functions
b535.Sensations associated with the digestive system
b5350.Sensation of nausea



b5351.Feeling bloated
b5352.Sensation of abdominal cramps
b5358.Sensations associated with the digestive system, other specified
b5359.Sensations associated with the digestive system, unspecified
b539.Functions of the digestive systems, other specified and unspecified
b540.General metabolic functions
b5400.Basal metabolic rate
b5401.Carbohydrate metabolism
b5402.Protein metabolism
b5403.Fat metabolism
b5408.General metabolic functions, other specified
b5409.General metabolic functions, unspecified
b545.Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions
b5450.Water balance
b5451.Mineral balance
b5452.Electrolyte balance
b5458.Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions, other specified
b5459.Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions, unspecified
b550.Thermoregulatory functions
b5500.Body temperature
b5501.Maintenance of body temperature
b5508.Thermoregulatory functions, other specified
b5509.Thermoregulatory functions, unspecified
b555.Endocrine gland functions



b559.Functions related to metabolism and the endocrine system, other specified and unspecified
b598.Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems, other specified
b599.Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems, unspecified
b6.Genitourinary and reproductive functions
b610.Urinary excretory functions
b6100.Filtration of urine
b6101.Collection of urine
b6108.Urinary excretory functions, other specified
b6109.Urinary excretory functions, unspecified
b620.Urination functions
b6201.Frequency of urination
b6202.Urinary continence
b6208.Urination functions, other specified
b6209.Urination functions, unspecified
b630.Sensations associated with urinary functions
b639.Urination functions, other specified and unspecified
b640.Sexual functions
b6400.Functions of sexual arousal phase
b6401.Functions of sexual preparatory phase
b6402.Functions of orgasmic phase
b6403.Functions of sexual resolution phase
b6408.Sexual functions, other specified
b6409.Sexual functions, unspecified



b650.Menstruation functions
b6500.Regularity of menstrual cycle
b6501.Interval between menstruation
b6502.Extent of menstrual bleeding
b6508.Menstruation functions, other specified
b6509.Menstruation functions, unspecified
b660.Procreation functions
b6600.Functions related to fertility
b6601.Functions related to pregnancy
b6602.Functions related to childbirth
b6608.Procreation functions, other specified
b6609.Procreation functions, unspecified
b670.Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions
b6700.Discomfort associated with sexual intercourse
b6701.Discomfort associated with the menstrual cycle
b6702.Discomfort associated with menopause
b6708.Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions, other specified
b6709.Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions, unspecified
b679.Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified
b698.Genitourinary and reproductive functions, other specified
b699.Genitourinary and reproductive functions, unspecified
b7.Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions
b710.Mobility of joint functions
b7100.Mobility of a single joint
b7101.Mobility of a several joints
b7102.Mobility of joints generalized
b7108.Mobility of joint functions, other specified
b7109.Mobility of joint functions, unspecified



b715.Stability of joint functions
b7150.Stability of a single joint
b7151.Stability of a several joints
b7152.Stability of a joints generalized
b7158.Stability of joint functions, other specified
b7159.Stability of joint functions, unspecified
b720.Mobility of bone functions
b7200.Mobility of scapula
b7201.Mobility of pelvis
b7202.Mobility of carpal bones
b7203.Mobility of tarsal bones
b7208.Mobility of bone functions, other specified
b7209.Mobility of bone functions, unspecified
b729.Functions of+A4 the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified
b730.Muscle power functions
b7300.Power of isolated muscles and muscle groups
b7301.Power of muscles of one limb
b7302.Power of muscles of one side of the body
b7303.Power of muscles in lower half of the body
b7304.Power of muscles of all limbs
b7305.Power of muscles of the trunk
b7306.Power of all muscles of the body
b7308.Muscle power functions, other specified
b7309.Muscle power functions, unspecified



b735.Muscle tone functions
b7350.Tone of isolated muscles and muscle groups
b7351.Tone of muscles of one limb
b7352.Tone of muscles of one side of body
b7353.Tone of muscles of lower half of body
b7354.Tone of muscles of all limbs
b7355.Tone of muscles of trunk
b7356.Tone of all muscles of the body
b7358.Muscle tone functions, other specified
b7359.Muscle tone functions, unspecified
b740.Muscle endurance functions
b7400.Endurance of isolated muscles
b7401.Endurance of muscle groups
b7402.Endurance of all muscles of the body
b7408.Muscle endurance functions, other specified
b7409.Muscle endurance functions, unspecified
b749.Muscle functions, other specified and unspecified
b750.Motor reflex functions
b7500.Stretch motor reflex
b7501.Reflexes generated by noxious stimuli
b7502.Reflexes generated by other exteroceptive stimuli
b7508.Motor reflex functions, other specified
b7509.Motor reflex functions, unspecified
b755.Involuntary movement reaction functions
b760.Control of voluntary movement functions
b7600.Control of simple voluntary movements
b7601.Control of complex voluntary movements
b7602.Coordination of voluntary movements
b7603.Supportive functions of arm or leg
b7608.Control of voluntary movement functions, other specified
b7609.Control of voluntary movement functions, unspecified



b765.Involuntary movement functions
b7650.Involuntary contractions of muscles
b7652.Tics and mannerisms
b7653.Stereotypies and motor perseveration
b7658.Involuntary movement functions, other specified
b7659.Involuntary movement functions, unspecified
b770.Gait pattern functions
b780.Sensations related to muscles and movement functions
b7800.Sensation of muscle stiffness
b7801.Sensation of muscle spasm
b7808.Sensations related to muscles and movement functions, other specified
b7809.Sensations related to muscles and movement functions, unspecified
b789.Movement functions, other specified and unspecified
b798.Neuromusculoskeletal and movement related functions, other specified
b799.Neuromusculoskeletal and movement related functions, unspecified
b8.Fuctions of the skin and related structures
b810.Protective functions of the skin
b820.Repair functions of the skin
b830.Other functions of the skin
b840.Sensation related to the skin
b849.Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified
b850.Functions of hair
b860.Functions of nails
b869.Functions of the hair and nails, other specified and unspecified
b898.Functions of the skin and related structures, other specified
b899.Functions of the skin and related structures, unspecified



d1.Learning and applying knowledge
d120.Other Purposeful Sensing
d129.Purposeful sensory experiences, other specified and unspecified
d137.Acquiring concepts
d1370.Acquiring basic concepts
d1371.Acquiring complex concepts
d1378.Acquiring concepts, other specified
d1379.Acquiring concepts, unspecified
d140.Learning to read
d145.Learning to write
d150.Learning to calculate
d155.Acquiring skills
d1550.Acquiring basic skills
d1551.Acquiring complex skills
d1558.Acquiring skills, other specified
d1559.Acquiring skills, unspecified
d159.Basic learning, other specified and unspecified
d160.Focusing attention
d175.Solving problems
d1750.Solving simple problem
d1751.Solving complex problem
d1758.Solving problems, other specified
d1759.Solving problems, unspecified



d177.Making decisions
d179.Applying knowledge, other specified and unspecified
d198.Learning and applying kowledge, other specified
d199.Learning and applying kowledge, unspecified
d2.General tasks and demands
d210.Undertaking a single task
d2100.Undertaking a simple task
d2101.Undertaking a complex task
d2102.Undertaking a single task independently
d2103.Undertaking a single task in a group
d2108.Undertaking a single task, other specified
d2109.Undertaking a single task, unspecified
d220.Undertaking multiple task
d2200.Carrying out multiple tasks
d2201.Completing multiple tasks
d2202.Undertaking multiple tasks independently
d2203.Undertaking multiple tasks in a group
d2208.Undertaking multiple task, other specified
d2209.Undertaking multiple task, unspecified
d230.Carrying out daily routine
d2301.Managing daily routine
d2302.Completing the daily routine
d2303.Managing one's own activity level
d2308.Carrying out daily routine, other specified
d2309.Carrying out daily routine, specified
d240.Handling stress and other psychological demands
d2400.Handling responsibilities
d2401.Handling stress
d2402.Handling crisis
d2408.Handlingstress and other psychological demands, other specified
d2409.Handlingstress and other psychological demands, unspecified
d298.General tasks and demands, other specified
d299.General tasks and demands, unspecified



d310.Communicating with-receiving-spoken messages
d315.Communicating with-receiving-nonverbal messages
d3150.Communicating with-receiving - body gestures
d3151.Communicating with - receiving - general signs and symbols
d3152.Communicating with - receiving - drawings and photographs
d3158.Communicating with-receiving-nonverbal messages, other specified
d3159.Communicating with-receiving-nonverbal messages, unspecified
d320.Communicating with-receiving-formal signlanguage messages
d325.Communicating with-receiving-written messages
d329.Communicating -receiving, other specified and unspecified
d335.Producing nonverbal message
d3350.Producing body language
d3351.Producing signs and symbols
d3352.Producing drawings and photographs
d3358.Producing nonverbal message, other specified
d3359.Producing nonverbal message, unspecified
d340.Producing messages in formal sign language
d345.Writing messages
d349.Communication-producting, other specified and unspecified
d3500.Starting a conversation
d3501.Sutaining a conversation
d3502.Ending a conversation
d3503.Conversing with one person
d3504.Conversing with many people
d3508.Conversation, other specified
d3509.Conversation, unspecified



d3550.Discussion with one person
d3551.Discussion with many people
d3558.Discussion, other specified
d3559.Discussion, unspecified
d360.Using communication devices and techniques
d3600.Using telecommunication devices
d3601.Using Writing machines
d3602.Using communication techniques
d3608.Using communication devices and techniques, other specified
d3609.Using communication devices and techniques, unspecified
d369.Conversation and use of communication devices and techniques
d398.Communication, other specified
d399.Communication, unspecified
d410.Changing basic body position
d4100.Lying down
d4106.Shifting the body's centre of gravity
d4108.Changing basic body position, other specified
d4109.Changing basic body position, unspecified
d415.Maintaining a body position
d4150.Maintaining a lying position
d4151.Maintaining a squatting position
d4152.Maintaining a kneeling position
d4153.Maintaining sitting position
d4154.Maintaining a standing position
d4158.Maintaining a body position, other specified
d4159.Maintaining a body position, unspecified



d420.Transferring oneself
d4200.Transferring oneself while sitting
d4201.Transferring oneself while lying
d4208.Transferring oneself, other specified
d4209.Transferring oneself, unspecified
d429.Changing and maintaining body position, other specified and unspecified
d430.Lifting and carrying objects
d4301.Carrying in the hands
d4302.Carrying in the arms
d4303.Carrying on shoulders, hip and back
d4304.Carrying on head
d4305.Putting down objects
d4308.Lifting and carrying objects, other specified
d4309.Lifting and carrying objects, unspecified
d435.Moving objects with lower extremities
d4350.Pushing with lower extremities
d4358.Moving objects with lower extremities, other specified
d4359.Moving objects with lower extremities, unspecified
d440.Fine hand use
d4400.Picking up
d4408.Fine hand use, other specified
d4409.Fine hand use, unspecified
d445.Hand and arm use
d4453.Turning or twisting the hands or arms



d4458.Hand and arm use, other specified
d4459.Hand and arm use, unspecified
d449.Carring, moving and handling objects, other specified and unspecified
d4500.Walking short distances
d4501.Walking long distances
d4502.Walking on different surfaces
d4503.Walking around obstacles
d4508.Walking, other specified
d4509.Walking, unspecified
d455.Moving around
d4558.Moving around, other specified
d4559.Moving around, unspecified
d460.Moving around in different locations
d4600.Moving around within the home
d4601.Moving around within buildings other than home+E260
d4602.Moving around outside the home and other buildings
d4608.Moving around in different locations, other specified
d4609.Moving around in different locations, unspecified
d465.Moving around using equipment
d469.Walking and moving, other specified and unspecified
d470.Using transportation
d4700.Using human-powered vehicles
d4701.Using private motorized transportation
d4702.Using public motorized transportation
d4708.Using transportation, other specified
d4709.Using transportation, unspecified



d4750.Driving human-powered transportation
d4751.Driving motorized vehicles
d4752.Driving animal-powered vehicles
d4758.Driving, other specified
d4759.Driving, unspecified
d480.Riding animals for transportation
d489.Moving around using transportation , other specified and unspecified
d498.Mobility, other specified
d499.Mobiliry, unspecified
d510.Washing oneself
d5100.Washing body parts
d5101.Washing Whole body
d5102.Drying oneself
d5108.Washing oneself, other specified
d5109.Washing oneself, unspecified
d520.Caring for body parts
d5200.caring for skin
d5201.Caring for teeth
d5202.Caring for hair
d5203.Caring for fingernails
d5204.Caring for toenails
d5208.Caring for body parts, other specified
d5209.Caring for body parts, unspecified



d5300.Regulating urination
d5301.Regulating defecation
d5302.Menstrual care
d5308.Toileting, other specified
d5309.Toileting, unspecified
d5400.Putting on clothes
d5401.Taking off clothes
d5402.Putting on footwear
d5403.Taking off footwear
d5404.Choosing appropriate clothing
d5408.Dressing, other specified
d5409.Dressing, unspecified
d570.Looking after one's health
d5700.Ensuring one's physical comfort
d5701.Managing diet and fitness
d5702.Maintaining one's health
d5708.Looking after one's health, other specified
d5709.Looking after one's health, unspecified
d598.Self-care, other specified
d599.Self-care, unspecified



d6.Domestic life
d610.Acquiring a place to live
d6100.Buying a place to live
d6101.Renting a place to live
d6102.Furnishing a place to live
d6108.Acquiring a place to live, other specified
d6109.Acquiring a place to live, unspecified
d620.Acquisition of goods and services
d6201.Gathering daily necessities
d6208.Acquisition of goods and services, other specified
d6209.Acquisition of goods and services, unspecified
d629.Acquisition of necessities, other specified and unspecified
d630.Preparing meals
d6300.Preparing simple meals
d6301.Preparing complex meals
d6308.Preparing meals, other specified
d6309.Preparing meals, unspecified
d640.Doing house work
d6400.Washing and drying clothes and garments
d6401.Cleaning cooking area and utensils
d6402.Cleaning living area
d6403.Using household appliances



d6404.Storing daily necessities
d6405.Disposing of garbage
d6408.Doing house work, other specified
d6409.Doing house work, unspecified
d649.Household tasks, other specified and unspecified
d650.Caring for household objects
d6500.Making and repairing clothes
d6501.Maintaining dwelling and furnishings
d6502.Maintaining domestic appliances
d6503.Maintaining vehicles
d6504.Maintaining assistive devices
d6505.Taking care of plants, indoors and outdoors
d6506.Taking care of animals
d6508.Caring for household objects, other specified
d6509.Caring for household objects, unspecified
d660.Assisting others
d6600.Assisting others with self-care
d6601.Assisting others in movement
d6602.Assisting others in communication
d6603.Assisting others in interpersonal relations
d6604.Assisting others in nutrition
d6605.Assisting others in health maintenance
d6608.Assisting others, other specified
d6609.Assisting others, unspecified
d669.Caring for household objects and assistinf others, other specified and unspecified
d698.Domestic life, other specified
d699.Domestic life, unspecified



d7.Interpersonal interactions and relationships
d710.Basic interpersonal interactions
d7100.Respect and warmth in relationships
d7101.Appreciation in relationships
d7102.Tolerance in relationships
d7103.Criticism in relationships
d7104.social cues in relations
d7105.Physical contact in relationships
d7108.Basic interpersonal interactions, other specified
d7109.Basic interpersonal interactions, unspecified
d720.Complex interpersonal interactions
d7200.Forming relationships
d7201.Terminating relationships
d7202.Regulating behaviours within interactions
d7203.Interacting according to social rules
d7204.Maintaining social space
d7208.Complex interpersonal interactions, other specified
d7209.Complex interpersonal interactions, unspecified
d729.General interpersonal interaction, other specified and unspecified
d730.Relating with strangers



d740.Formal relationships
d7400.Relating with persons in authority
d7401.Relating with subordinates
d7402.Relating with equals
d7408.Formal relationships, other specified
d7409.Formal relationships, unspecified
d750.Informal social relationships
d7500.Informal relationships with friends
d7501.Informal relationships with neighbours
d7502.Informal relationships with acquaintances
d7503.Informal relationships with co-inhabitants
d7504.Informal relationships with peers
d7508.Informal social relationships, other specified
d7509.Informal social relationships, unspecified
d760.Family relationships
d7600.Parent-child relationships
d7601.Child-parent relationships
d7602.Sibling relationships
d7603.Extended family relationships
d7608.Family relationships, other specified
d7609.Family relationships, unspecified



d770.Intimate relationships
d7700.Romantic relationships
d7701.Spousal relationships
d7702.Sexual relationships
d7708.Intimate relationships, other specified
d7709.Intimate relationships, unspecified
d779.Particular interpersonal relationships, other specified and unspecified
d798.Interpersonal interactions and relationships, other specified
d799.Interpersonal interactions and relationships, unspecified
d8.Major life areas
d810.Informal education
d815.Preschool education
d820.School education
d825.Vocational training
d830.Higher education
d835.Education life
d839.Education, other specified and unspecified
d840.Apprenticeship(work preparation)
d845.Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job
d8450.Seeking employment
d8451.Maintaining a job
d8452.Terminating a job
d8458.Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job, other specified
d8459.Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job, unspecified



d850.Remunerative employment
d8501.Part-time employment
d8502.Full-time employment
d8508.Remunerative employment, other specified
d8509.Remunerative employment, unspecified
d855.Non-remunerative employment
d859.Work and employment, other specified and unspecified
d860.Basic economic transactions
d865.Complex economic transactions
d870.Economic self-sufficiency
d8700.Personal economic resources
d8701.Public economic entitlements
d8708.Economic self-sufficiency, other specified
d8709.Economic self-sufficiency, unspecified
d879.Economic life, other specified and unspecified
d898.Major life areas, other specified
d899.Major life areas, unspecified



d9.Community, social and civic life
d910.Community life
d9100.Informal associations
d9101.Formal associations
d9108.Community life, other specified
d9109.Community life, unspecified
d920.Recreation and Leisure
d9202.Arts and culture
d9208.Recreation and Leisure, other specified
d9209.Recreation and Leisure, unspecified
d930.Religion and spirituality
d9300.Organized religion
d9308.Religion and spirituality, other specified
d9309.Religion and spirituality, unspecified
d940.Human rights
d950.Political life and citizenship
d998.Community, social and civic life, other specified
d999.Community, social and civic life, unspecified



e1.Products and technology
e110.Products or substances for personal consumption
e1108.Products or substances for personal consumption, other specified
e1109.Products or substances for personal consumption, unspecified
e115.Products and technology for personal use in daily living
e1150.General products and technology for personal use in daily living
e1151.Assistive products and technology for personal use in daily living
e1158.Products and technology for personal use in daily living, other specified
e1159.Products and technology for personal use in daily living, unspecified
e120.Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation
e1200.General products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation
e1201.Assistive products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation
e1208.Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation, other specified
e1209.Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation, unspecified
e125.Products and technology for communication
e1250.General products and technology for communication
e1251.Assistive products and technology for communication
e1258.Products and technology for communication, other specified
e1259.Products and technology for communication, unspecified



e130.Products and technology for education
e1300.General products and technology for education
e1301.Assistive products and technology for education
e1308.Products and technology for education, other specified
e1309.Products and technology for education, unspecified
e135.Products and technology for employment
e1350.General products and technology for employment
e1351.Assistive products and technology for employment
e1358.Products and technology for employment, other specified
e1359.Products and technology for employment, unspecified
e140.Products and technology for culture, recreation and sport
e1400.General products and technology for culture, recreation and sport
e1401.Assistive products and technology for culture, recreation and sport
e1408.Products and technology for culture, recreation and sport, other specified
e1409.Products and technology for culture, recreation and sport, unspecified
e145.Products and technology for the practice of religion and spirituality
e1450.General products and technology for the practice of religion or spirituality
e1451.Assistive products and technology for the practice of religion or spirituality
e1458.Products and technology for the practice of religion and spirituality, other specified
e1459.Products and technology for the practice of religion and spirituality, unspecified



e150.Design, construction and building products and technology of buildings for public use
e1500.Design, construction and building products and technology for entering and exiting buildings for of buildings for public use
e1501.Design, construction and building products and technology for gaining access to facilities inside buildings for public use
e1502.Design, construction and building products and technology for way finding, path routing and designation of locations in building for public use
e1508.Design, construction and building products and technology of buildings for public use, other specified
e1509.Design, construction and building products and technology of buildings for public use, unspecified
e155.Design, construction and building products and technology of buildings for private use
e1550.Design, construction and building products and technology for entering and exiting buildings for of buildings for private use
e1551.Design, construction and building products and technology for gaining access to facilities in buildings for private use
e1552.Design, construction and building products and technology for way finding, path routing and designation of locations in building for private use
e1558.Design, construction and building products and technology of buildings for private use, other specified
e1559.Design, construction and building products and technology of buildings for private use, unspesified
e160.Products and technology of land development
e1600.Products and technology of rural land development
e1601.Products and technology of suburban land development
e1602.Products and technology of urban land development
e1603.Products and technology of parks, conservation and wildlife areas
e1608.Products and technology of land development, other specified
e1609.Products and technology of land development, unspecified



e1650.Financial assets
e1651.Tangible assets
e1652.Intangible assets
e1658.Assets, other specified
e1659.Assets, unspecified
e198.Products and technology, other specified
e199.Products and technology, unspecified
e2.Natural environment and human-made changes to environment
e210.Physical geography
e2100.Land forms
e2101.Bodies of water
e2108.Physical geography, other specified
e2109.Physical geography, unspecified
e2150.Demographic change
e2151.population density
e2158.Population, other specified
e2159.Population, unspecified
e220.Flora and fauna
e2208.Flora and fauna, other specified
e2209.Flora and fauna, unspecified
e2252.Atmospheric pressure
e2255.Seasonal variation
e2258.Climate, other specified
e2259.Climate, unspecified
e230.Natual events
e235.Human-caused events



e2400.Light intensity
e2401.Light quality
e2408.Light, other specified
e2409.Light, unspecified
e245.Time-related changes
e2450.Day/night cycles
e2451.Lunar cycles
e2458.Time-related changes, other specified
e2459.Time-related changes, unspecified
e2500.sound intensity
e2501.sound quality
e2508.Sound, other specified
e2509.Sound, unspecified
e260.Air quality
e2600.Indoor air qualiy
e2601.Outdoor air quality
e2608.Air quality, other specified
e2609.Air quality, unspecified
e298.Natural environment and human-made changes to environment, other specified
e299.Natural environment and human-made changes to environment, unspecified
e3.Support and relationships
e310.Immediate family
e315.Extended family



e325.Acquaintances, peers, colleagues, neighbours and community members
e330.People in positions of authority
e335.People in subordinate positions
e340.Personal care providers and personal assistants
e350.Domesticated animals
e355.Health professionals
e360.Other professionals
e398.Support and relationships, other specified
e399.Support and relationships, unspecified
e410.Individual attitudes of immediate family members
e415.Individual attitudes of extended family members
e420.Individual attitudes of friends
e425.Individual attitudes of acquaintances, peers, colleagues, neighbours and community members
e430.Individual attitudes of people in positions of authority
e435.Individual attitudes of people in subordinate positions
e440.Individual attitudes of personal care providers and personal assistants
e445.Individual attitudes of strangers
e450.Individual attitudes of health professionals
e455.Individual attitudes of health-related professionals
e460.Societal attitudes
e465.Socal norms, practices and ideologies
e498.Attitudes, other specified
e499.Attitudes, unspecified



e5.Services, systems and policies
e510.Services, systems and policies for the production of consumer goods
e5100.Services for the production of consumer goods
e5101.Systems for the production of consumer goods
e5102.Policies for the production of consumer goods
e5108.Services, systems and policies for the production of consumer goods, other specified
e5109.Services, systems and policies for the production of consumer goods, unspecified
e515.Architecture and construction services, systems and policies
e5150.Architecture and construction services
e5151.Architecture and construction systems
e5152.Architecture and construction policies
e5158.Architecture and construction services, systems and policies, other specified
e5159.Architecture and construction services, systems and policies, unspecified
e520.Open space planning services, systems and policies
e5200.Open space planning services
e5201.(Open space planning systems
e5202.Open space planning policies
e5208.Open space planning services, systems and policies, other specified
e5209.Open space planning services, systems and policies, unspecified
e525.Housing services, systems and policies
e5250.Housing services
e5251.Housing systems
e5252.Housing policies
e5258.Housing services, systems and policies, other specified
e5259.Housing services, systems and policies, unspecified
e530.Utilities services, systems and policies



e5300.Utilities services
e5301.Utilities systems
e5302.Utilities policies
e5308.Utilities services, systems and policies, other specified
e5309.Utilities services, systems and policies, unspecified
e535.Communication services, systems and policies
e5350.Communication services
e5351.Communication systems
e5352.Communication policies
e5358.Communication services, systems and policies, other specified
e5359.Communication services, systems and policies, unspecified
e540.Transportation services, systems and policies
e5400.Transportation services
e5401.Transportation systems
e5402.Transportation policies
e5408.Transportation services, systems and policies, other specified
e5409.Transportation services, systems and policies, unspecified
e545.Civil protection services, systems and policies
e5450.Civil protection services
e5451.Civil protection systems
e5452.Civil protection policies
e5458.Civil protection services, systems and policies, other specified
e5459.Civil protection services, systems and policies, unspecified



e550.Legal services, systems and policies
e5500.Legal services
e5501.Legal systems
e5502.Legal policies
e5508.Legal services, systems and policies, other specified
e5509.Legal services, systems and policies, unspecified
e555.Associations and organizational services, systems and policies
e5550.Association and organizational services
e5551.Association and organizational systems
e5552.Association and organizational polices
e5558.Associations and organizational services, systems and policies, other specified
e5559.Associations and organizational services, systems and policies, unspecified
e560.Media services, systems and policies
e5600.Media services
e5601.Media systems
e5602.Media policies
e5608.Media services, systems and policies, other specified
e5609.Media services, systems and policies, unspecified
e565.Economic services, systems and policies
e5650.Economic services
e5651.Economic systems
e5652.Economic policies
e5658.Economic services, systems and policies, other specified
e5659.Economic services, systems and policies, unspecified
e570.Social security services, systems and policies
e5700.Social security services
e5701.Social security systems
e5702.Social security policies
e5708.Social security services, systems and policies, other specified
e5709.Social security services, systems and policies, unspecified
e575.General social support services, systems and policies
e5750.General social support services
e5751.General social support systems
e5752.General social support polices
e5758.General social support services, systems and policies, other specified
e5759.General social support services, systems and policies, unspecified



e580.Health services, systems and policies
e5800.Health services
e5801.Health systems
e5802.Health polices
e5808.Health services, systems and policies, other specified
e5809.Health services, systems and policies, unspecified
e585.Education and training services, systems and policies
e5850.Education and training services
e5851.Education and training systems
e5852.Education and training polices
e5858.Education and training services, systems and policies, other specified
e5859.Education and training services, systems and policies, unspecified
e590.Labour and employment services, systems and policies
e5900. Labor and employment services
e5901.Labor and employment systems
e5902.Labor and employment polices
e5908.Labour and employment services, systems and policies, other specified
e5909.Labour and employment services, systems and policies, unspecified



e595.Political services, systems and policies
e5950.Political services
e5951.Political systems
e5952.Political policy
e5958.Political services, systems and policies, other specified
e5959.Political services, systems and policies, unspecified
e598.Services, systems and policies, other specified
e599.Services, systems and policies, unspecified
s1.Structures of the nervous system
s110.Structure of brain
s1100.Structure of cortical lobes
s11000.Frontal lobe
s11001.Temporal lobe
s11002.Parietal lobe
s11003.Occipital lobe
s11008.Structure of cortical lobes, other specified
s11009.Structure of cortical lobes, unspecified
s1101.Structure of midbrain
s1102.Structure of diencephalon
s1103.Basal ganglia and related structures
s1104.Structure of cerebellum
s1105.Sturcture of brain stem
s11050.Medulla oblongata



s11058.Structure of brain stem, other specified
s11059.Structure of brain stem, unspecified
s1106.Structure of cranial nerves
s1108.Structure of brain, other specified
s1109.Structure of brain, unspecified
s120.Spinal cord and related structures
s1200.Structure of spinal cord
s12000.Cervical spinal cord
s12001.Thoracic spinal cord
s12002.Lumbosacral spinal cord
s12003.Cauda equina
s12008.Structure of spinal cord, other specified
s12009.Structure of spinal cord, unspecified
s1201.Spinal nerves
s1208.Spinal cord and related structures, other specified
s1209.Spinal cord and related structures, unspecified
s130.Structure of meninges
s140.Structure of sympathetic nervous system
s150.Structure of parasympathetic nervous system
s198.Structure of the nervous system, other specified
s199.Structure of the nervous system, unspecified
s2.The eye, ear and related structures
s210.Structure of eye socket
s220.Structure of eyeball
s2200.Conjunctiva, sclera, choroid



s2204.Lens of eyeball
s2205.Vitreous body
s2208.Structure of eyeball, other specified
s2209.Structure of eyeball, unspecified
s230.Structure around eye
s2300.Lachrymal gland and related structures
s2303.External ocular muscles
s2308.Structures around eye, other specified
s2309.Structures around eye, unspecified
s240.Structure of external ear
s250.Structure of middle ear
s2500.Tympanic membrane
s2501.Eustachian canal
s2508.Structure of middle ear, other specified
s2509.Structure of middle ear,unspecified
s260.Structure of inner ear
s2601.Vestibular Labyrinth
s2602.Semicircular Canals
s2603.Internal auditory meatus
s2608.Structure of inner ear, other specified
s2609.Structure of inner ear, unspecified
s268.Eye, ear and related structures, other specified
s269.Eye, ear and related structures, unspecified
s3.Structures involved in voice and speech



s310.Structure of nose
s3100.External nose
s3101.Nasal septum
s3102.Nasal Fossae
s3108.Structure of nose, other specified
s3109.Structure of nose, unspecified
s320.Structure of mouth
s3202.Structure of palate
s3204.Structure of lips
s3208.Structure of mouth, other specified
s3209.Structure of mouth, unspecified
s330.Structure of pharynx
s3300.Nasal pharynx
s3301.Oral pharynx
s3308.Structure of pharynx, other specified
s3309.Structure of pharynx, unspecified
s340.Structure of larynx
s3400.Vocal folds
s3408.Structure of larynx, other specified
s3409.Structure of larynx, unspecified
s398.Structures involved in voice and speech, other specified
s399.Structures involved in voice and speech, unspecifid
s4.Structures of the cardiovascular, immunological and respiratory systems
s410.Structure of cardiovascular system
s41008.Structure of heart, other specified
s41009.Structure of heart, unspecified



s4108.Structure of cardiovascular system, other specified
s4109.Structure of cardiovascular system, unspecified
s420.Structure of immune system
s4200.Lymphatic vessels
s4201.Lymphatic nodes
s4204.Bone marrow
s4208.Structure of immune system, other specified
s4209.Structure of immune system, unspecified
s430.Structure of respiratory system
s43010.Bronchial tree
s43018.Structure of lungs, other specified
s43019.Structure of lungs, unspecified
s4302.Thoracic cage
s4303.Muscles of respiration
s43030.Intercostal muscles



s43038.Muscles of respiration, other specified
s43039.Muscles of respiration, unspecified
s4308.Structure of respiratory system, other specified
s4309.Structure of respiratory system, unspecified
s498.Structures of the cardiovascular, immunological and respiratory systems, other specified
s499.Structures of the cardiovascular, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified
s5.Structures related to the digestive, metabolic ane endocrine systems
s510.Structure of salivary glands
s520.Structure of oesophagus
s530.Structure of stomach
s540.Structure of intestine
s5400.Small intestine
s5401.Large intestine
s5408.Structure of intestine, other specified
s5409.Structure of intestine, unspecified
s550.Structure of pancreas
s560.Structure of liver
s570.Structure of gall bladder and ducts
s580.Structure of endocrine glands
s5800.Pituitary gland
s5801.Thyroid gland
s5802.Parathyroid gland
s5803.Adrenal gland
s5808.Structure of endocrine glands, other specified
s5809.Structure of endocrine glands, unspecified
s598.Structures related to the digestive, metabolic ane endocrine systems, other specified
s599.Structures related to the digestive, metabolic ane endocrine systems, unspecified



s6.Structures related to the genitourinary and reproductive systems
s610.Structure of urinary system
s6102.Urinary bladder
s6108.Structure of urinary system, other specified
s6109.Structure of urinary system, unspecified
s620.Structure of pelvic floor
s630.Structure of reproductive system
s6301.Structure of uterus
s63010.Body of uterus
s63012.Fallopian tubes
s63018.Structure of uterus, other specified
s63019.Structure of uterus, unspecified
s6302.Breast and nipple
s6303.Structure of vagina and external genitalia
s63031.Labia majora
s63032.Labia minora
s63033.Vaginal canal
s6305.Structure of the penis
s63050.Glans penis
s63051.Shaft of penis
s63058.Structure of the penis, other specified
s63059.Structure of the penis, unspecified
s6308.Structure of reproductive system, other specified
s6309.Structure of reproductive system, unspecified
s698.Structures related to the genitourinary and reproductive systems, other specified
s699.Structures related to the genitourinary and reproductive systems, unspecified



s7.Structures related to movement
s710.Structure of head and neck region
s7100.Bones of cranium
s7101.Bones of face
s7102.Bones of neck region
s7103.Joints of head and neck region
s7104.Muscles of head and neck region
s7105.Ligaments and fasciae of head and neck region
s7108.Structure of head and neck region, other specified
s7109.Structure of head and neck region, unspecified
s720.Structure of shoulder region
s7200.Bones of shoulder region
s7201.Joints of shoulder region
s7202.Muscles of shoulder region
s7203.Ligaments and fasciae of shoulder region
s7208.Structure of shoulder region, other specified
s7209.Structure of shoulder region, unspecified
s730.Structure of upper extremity
s7300.Structure of upper arm
s73000.Bones of upper arm
s73001.Elbow joint
s73002.Muscles of upper arm
s73003.Ligaments and fasciae of upper arm
s73008.Structure of upper arm, other specified
s73009.Structure of upper arm, unspecified
s7301.Structure of forearm
s73010.Bones of forearm
s73011.Wrist joint
s73012.Muscles of forearm
s73013.Ligaments and fasciae of forearm
s73018.Structure of forearm, other specified
s73019.Structure of forearm, unspecified
s7302.Structure of hand
s73020.Bones of hand
s73021.Joints of hand and fingers
s73022.Muscles of hand
s73023.Ligaments and fasciae of hand
s73028.Structure of hand, other specified
s73029.Structure of hand, unspecified
s7308.Structure of upper extremity, other specified
s7309.Structure of upper extremity, unspecified
s740.Structure of pelvic region
s7400.Bones of pelvic region
s7401.Joints of pelvic region
s7402.Muscles of pelvic region
s7403.Ligaments and fasciae of pelvic region
s7408.Structure of pelvic region, other specified
s7409.Structure of pelvic region, unspecified



s750.Structure of lower extremity
s7500.Structure of thigh
s75000.Bones of thigh
s75001.Joints of thigh
s75002.Muscles of thigh
s75003.Ligaments and fasciae of thigh
s75008.Structure of thigh, other specified
s75009.Structure of thigh, unspecified
s7501.Structure of lower leg
s75010.Bones of lower leg
s75011.Knee joint
s75012.Muscles of lower leg
s75013.Ligaments and fasciae of lower leg
s75018.Structure of lower leg, other specified
s75019.Structure of lower leg, unspecified
s7502.Structure of ankle and foot
s75020.Bones of ankle and foot
s75021.Ankle joint and joints of foot and toes
s75022.Muscles of ankle and foot
s75023.Ligaments and fasciae of ankle and foot
s75028.Structure of ankle and foot, other specified
s75029.Structure of ankle and foot, unspecified
s7508.Structure of lower extremity, other specified
s7509.Structure of lower extremity, unspecified
s760.Structure of trunk
s7600.Structure of vertebral column
s76000.Cervical vertebral column
s76001.Thoracic vertebral column
s76002.Lumbar vertebral column
s76003.Sacral vertebral column
s76008.Structure of vertebral column, other specified
s76009.Structure of vertebral column, unspecified
s7601.Muscles of trunk
s7602.Ligaments and fasciae of trunk
s7608.Structure of trunk, other specified
s7609.Structure of trunk, unspecified
s770.Additional musculoskeletal structures related to movement
s7703.Extra-articular ligaments, Fasciae, Extramuscular aponeuroses, retinacula, Septa, Bursae, Unspecified
s7708.Additional musculoskeletal structure related to movement, other specified
s7709.Additional musculoskeletal structure related to movement, unspecified
s798.Structures related to movement, other specified
s799.Structures related to movement, unspecified



s8.Skin and related structures
s810.Structure of areas of skin
s8100.Skin of head and neck region
s8101.Skin of shoulder region
s8102.Skin of upper extremity
s8103.Skin of pelvic region
s8104.Skin of lower extremity
s8105.Skin of trunk and back
s8108.Structure of areas of skin, other specified
s8109.Structure of areas of skin, unspecified
s820.Structure of skin glands
s8200.Sweat glands
s8201.Sebaceous glands
s8208.Structure of skin glands, other specified
s8209.Structure of skin glands, unspecified
s830.Structure of nails
s8300.Finger nails
s8301.Toe nails
s8308.Structure of nails, other specified
s8309.Structure of nails, unspecified
s840.Structure of hair
s898.Skin and related structures, other specified
s899.Skin and related structures, unspecified
